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Last to First

No. of Players: 2+
Type of Game: spoken
What you need: nothing


To think of words that begin with the last letter of a preceding word.

How to play

Players agree on a category like movies, song or book titles, countries, cities, actors, animals, etc. One player says a word that falls in the chosen category. The second player then says another word in that category that begins with the last letter of the first word. The next player says another word in that category that begins with the last letter of the second word, and so on. If a player cannot think of a suitable word within five or ten seconds, that player is out of the game. The last player left is the winner and gets to choose the next category, along with the first word for the next game.

Other variations of this word game include First and Last, Missing Middles, and Bookends.


Audrina won the last game, so she chooses the category 'Animals' and says the first word.

Audrina: Cow
Belle: Water buffalo
Candy: Otter
Donnie: Rhinoceros
Evelyn: Salamander
Freddy: Rabit
Audrina: Tiger shark
Belle: Kangaroo
Candy: Octopus
Donnie: Skunk
Evelyn: Kiwi
Freddy: Ibex
Audrina: um...

Audrina cannot think of any animals that start with X, but the other players cannot either, so the game restarts and by default Audrina gets to choose the category again.

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