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Poetic Riddles

confused googly eyes
No. of Players: 1+
Type of Game: written
What you need: pen and paper


To compose or solve a riddle written in poetic form.

How to play

This game is a variation of Riddles.

A player challenges himself to write a riddle in poetic form and then presents this verbal puzzle to other players to solve. The first player to solve the poetic riddle is the winner.


Alan puts a famous riddle into poetic form for the other players to solve:

There is a word,
Often heard,
When speaking of qualities
Devoid of frivolities.
The first two letters signify male,
The first three, female,
The first four, a great man,
The whole word, a great woman.

Solution: heroine

Did you know?

The villainous character of "The Riddler" in Batman Forever was actually written with Robin Williams in mind. Williams reportedly loved the script, but a deal was unable to be reached and the role went to Jim Carrey.

comic-actor robin williams

This wasn't the first time the comic-actor was passed up to play a Batman villian – something he very much wanted to do. In 1989 Williams was offered the role of "The Joker," only to have it yanked out from under him when Warner Bros. made a successful deal with Jack Nicholson. It turns out that was the movie studio's intent all along, to use Williams to get to Nicholson.

silhouette of pop star Michael Jackson

Poor Robin! But evidently not as poor as Michael Jackson who lobbied hard for the role. According to studio insiders, the pop star was never seriously considered.

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