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No. of Players: 2+
Type of Game: spoken
What you need: nothing


To recall and add to a growing alphabetical list of words.

How to play

The first player says "I packed my suitcase for ___ and put in a ___" where the sentence is completed with a place-name and object that begins with the letter A, like Argentina and apron. The second player repeats this sentence on behalf of the first player (e.g., "Abigail packed her suitcase for Argentina and put in an apron") and then repeats this sentence again with a place-name and object that begins with the letter B. And so on, each successive player repeating the sentences of previous players and then adding another sentence with words that begin with the next letter of the alphabet. Any player who cannot remember the sentences of the previous players, or who cannot think of a suitable place-name and object for a new sentence, drops out of the game. The last player left is the winner. To ease gameplay, players can just name a new place-name and object in a new sentence and not repeat the previous sentences.

Alternatively, the first player says "I packed my suitcase with an ___" where the sentence is completed with an object that begins with the letter A. The second player repeats this sentence, but adds an object that begins with the letter B, and so on, each successive player repeating the sentence and adding another object at the end that begins with the next letter of the alphabet. Any player who cannot remember the entire list in alphabetical order, or who cannot think of a suitable object within a given time, drops out of the game. The last player left is the winner. For added difficulty, players need not follow the alphabet in naming new objects.

Other versions of this game are Grandmother's Trunk, Doctor's Office, and The Store.


Alexa: I packed my suitcase for Athens and put in an avocado.
Brian: Alexa packed her suitcase for Athens and put in an avocado. I packed my suitcase for Boston and put in a biscuit.
Clara: Alexa packed her suitcase for Athens and put in an avocado. Brian packed his suitcase for Boston and put in a biscuit. I packed my suitcase for Chicago and put in a comb.
Alexa: I packed my suitcase for Athens and put in an avocado. Brian packed his suitcase for Boston and put in a biscuit. Clara packed her suitcase for Chicago and put in a comb. I packed my suitcase for Des Moines and put in a dagger.
Brian: Alexa packed her suitcase for Athens and put in an avocado. I packed my suitcase for Boston and put in a biscuit. Clara packed her suitcase for... um...
Clara: Time's up. You can't remember, you're out.

And so on.

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