Freedom qua Spontaneity:
The Lacanian Subject in the Critique of Pure Reason

Table of Contents
Introduction [Text]
Part I: Kant’s Lacanian Subject in the Paralogisms [Text]
Opening Remarks [Text]
First Paralogism of Substantiality [Text]
Second Paralogism of Simplicity [Text]
Third Paralogism of Personality [Text]
Closing Remarks [Text]
Part II: Locating the Subject’s Spontaneity [Text]
Opening Remarks [Text]
Allison and ‘proto-conceptualization’ [Text]
Heidegger and the ‘root of the two stems’ [Text]
Heidegger and the ‘root of the root’ [Text]
Žižek and the ‘pre-synthetic’ [Text]
Closing Remarks [Text]
Conclusion [Text]
Notes [Text]
Bibliography [Text]
Lacanian-themed puzzles