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No. of Players: 1+
Type of Game: written
What you need: pen and paper


To guess the missing words from a brief story.

How to play

An alternade is a word that makes up at least two smaller words; these 'offspring' words are formed by alternatively taking letters from the 'parent' word in a strict sequence. In most alternades, every second letter from the parent word is used to form the two offspring, like in the word SCHOOLED, which makes SHOE and COLD.

In this game, the player(s) must guess the alternade parent and two offspring words from a short story.


The children thought he was a [offspring #1] teacher because he always kept his back to them while writing at the [parent]. He also never answered questions [offspring #2] made comments on their essays.


parent: BOARD
offspring #1: BAD
offspring #2: OR

The children thought he was a bad teacher because he always kept his back to them while writing at the board. He also never answered questions or made comments on their essays.

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