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Jumbled Articles

No. of Players: 2+
Type of Game: written
What you need: newspaper


To put a jumbled article back into proper order.

How to play

The gamemaster cuts out an article of about a dozen lines from a newspaper or magazine. Each individual line is then cut out and jumbled in a random order. The other player then has a certain amount of time to put the lines back into the correct order. If there are many players, the individual lines can be numbered so that players can keep track of the order on their own piece of paper. Or else multiple copies of newspapers can be used so that each player gets their own set of jumbled lines. The first player to successfully re-order the article back to its original state is the winner and becomes the gamemaster for the next round.

★★★ Check out our jumbled puzzle printables! ★★★


Jumbled article:

treatments that can improve one's ability to hear, many
unfortunately unavoidable. Here is where audiologists,
Hearing loss is fairly common and can impact people's
Waterford Hearing & Aural Treatment (WHAT) center
make smart decisions at a young age to prevent future
prevent hearing loss in the first place. Doctors from the
lives in profound ways. Although there are some
or doctors who specialize in hearing, can help.
people are interested in learning about ways they can
advise that hearing loss can be caused by different
hearing loss. But in some circumstances, hearing loss is
factors. Learning about these causes can help people


Hearing loss is fairly common and can impact people's
lives in profound ways. Although there are some
treatments that can improve one's ability to hear, many
people are interested in learning about ways they can
prevent hearing loss in the first place. Doctors from the
Waterford Hearing & Aural Treatment (WHAT) center
advise that hearing loss can be caused by different
factors. Learning about these causes can help people
make smart decisions at a young age to prevent future
hearing loss. But in some circumstances, hearing loss is
unfortunately unavoidable. Here is where audiologists,
or doctors who specialize in hearing, can help.

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