Alphabet Meal
No. of Players: | 2+ |
Type of Game: | written or spoken |
What you need: | pen & paper or nothing |
To create an alphabetical list of food items.
How to play
A player writes across the top of a piece of paper the words “My favorite meal is...” and then writes a food item immediately below it that begins with the letter A. He then hands the paper to another player who writes a food item that begins with the letter B, and so on. If the letter Z is reached, the game repeats back to the letter A. A player who cannot think of a suitable food is out of the game. The game continues until only one player is left, the winner. The verbal version of the game requires players to remember all the foods that were said before their turn and in the order they were given. Anyone not remembering a food, or the order of the list, is out of the game.
Anthony: | My favorite meal is apple pie. |
Betsy: | My favorite meal is apple pie and broccoli. |
Chris: | My favorite meal is apple pie, broccoli and carrots. |
Dylan: | My favorite meal is apple pie, broccoli, carrots and duck. |
Emma: | My favorite meal is apple pie, broccoli, carrots, duck and eggplant. |
Freddie: | My favorite meal is apple pie, broccoli, carrots, duck, eggplant and French fries. |
Anthony: | My favorite meal is apple pie, broccoli, carrots, duck, eggplant, French fries and grapes. |
Betsy: | My favorite meal is apple pie, broccoli, carrots, duck, eggplant, French fries, grapes and hummus. |
And so on...