Criss-Cross Puzzles
Printable Booklet 9
Criss-Cross puzzles are pretty similar to crosswords. In both cases, you write words into an interlocking grid based on clues. The main difference is that criss-cross grids are usually less dense and less complex.
Instructions: This booklet has 10 full page criss-cross puzzles with solutions. All the clues in every puzzle consist of single words. You are to write words into the grid that mean the opposite of those clue words.
The booklet is printer-friendly. As long as your computer can open PDF files and your printer is loaded with standard 8.5" × 11" paper, you are all set to start solving.
Note: click the [direct link] below the embedded PDF file if you have trouble printing. The file should then directly download and open on your device. You can print it from there.