Printable Crossword
Puzzle 23
Here's a crossword puzzle of easy-to-medium difficulty. This one has a 13×13 grid, but we have others with larger 19×19 grids.
The puzzle was designed to be printer-friendly. As long as your computer can open PDF files and your printer is loaded with standard 8.5" × 11" paper, you are all set to start solving.
Note: click the [direct link] below the embedded PDF file if you have trouble printing. The file should then directly download and open on your device. You can print it from there.
Fun Warm-up Puzzle
Can you complete these two words, which differ by a single letter, using the same letters in the same order? (answer below)
Did you know?
Certified by Guinness World Records, the largest crossword puzzle (in physical size) in the US measures 7 feet by 7 feet and can be hung on a wall or conveniently folded for solving on your lap or kitchen table. It comes with a 100 page book packed with 28,000 clues for over 91,000 squares. If you get stuck, you can always check the 4 foot by 4 foot answer grid.

However, a still larger puzzle was published by Nikoli Co., Ltd on June 30, 2016. It measures nearly 130 square feet, has 244,971 blank squares, and 66,666 clues. It was created by 20 different crossword puzzle makers to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Japanese company.

If these two puzzles are still too small for you, there is yet a bigger one according to Guinness. Verified on June 3, 2014, it took Hristo A. Yonitsov of Sofia, Bulgaria 14 years to write the 93,769 clues and craft the 984 foot long puzzle. The grid is spread over a hefty 1,000 sheets of paper and remains unpublished at this time.