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Even Steven Puzzles

Printable Booklet 40

pencil and paper with even steven puzzle

What is an even steven puzzle? You can think of it as an extremely short crossword puzzle — minus the grid. We're told many crossword puzzle enthusiasts actually like to warm-up with even stevens while waiting for their daily crossword puzzle to hit their inbox.

How to play: Full instructions are included in the booklet below. But basically you are to guess two words, which differ by a single given letter, from two clues. For example, the solution to the image above is NEWER and NEVER.

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The booklet has two pages with 25 puzzles and solutions. It is printer-friendly. As long as your computer can open PDF files and your printer is loaded with standard 8.5" × 11" paper, you are all set to start solving.

Note: click the [direct link] below the embedded PDF file if you have trouble printing. The file should then directly download and open on your device. You can print it from there.

[direct link]

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