No. of Players: | 2+ |
Type of Game: | written or spoken |
What you need: | pen & paper or nothing |
To add to a sequence of letters without completing an actual word.
How to play
The first player thinks of a word, usually three or four letters minimum. He calls out the first letter of this word. The second player then adds a letter in a way that could but does not complete an actual word. Adding letters by players continues until a player is forced to add a letter that completes an actual word. The player that does this loses a life; three lives lost makes that player a 'ghost' and drops him out of the game. At any time a player who adds a letter can be challenged by the next player to prove that the current sequence of letters is the beginning of an actual word. Losing a challenge results in a loss of a life. The same with any player who is caught adding a letter in a way that will not eventually complete an actual word. If no one notices that a player just completed an actual word, either mistakenly or on purpose, the play continues. As many rounds are made as necessary until a winner is declared. To enhance the play, ghosts can try to get active players to speak to them, which immediately makes those players ghosts as well.
Other variations of this game include Superghost and Anaghost.
Archer thinks of the word SAP and says the letter S.
Beatrix thinks of the word SAFETY and says A.
Chloe thinks of SATURDAY but cannot say T because that would make SAT, an actual word. So she thinks of another word, SALARY, and says L.
Debbie thinks of SALSA and says S.
Ethan can only think of the same word and is forced to say A, losing a life.
And so on.