The Store
No. of Players: | 2+ |
Type of Game: | spoken |
What you need: | nothing |
To recall and add to a growing alphabetical list of words.
How to play
The first player says "I went to the store and bought an ___" where the sentence is completed with an item that begins with the letter A. The second player repeats this sentence, but adds an item that begins with the letter B, and so on, each successive player repeating the sentence and adding another item at the end that begins with the next letter of the alphabet. Any player who cannot remember the entire list in alphabetical order, or who cannot think of a suitable item, drops out of the game. The last player left is the winner. Alternatively, the type of store can be specified, like a grocery or hardware store, and only items that can actually be purchased there are acceptable answers.
Other versions of this game include Grandmother's Trunk, Doctor's Office, and Suitcase.
Alan: | I went to the drugstore and bought an aspirin. |
Billy: | I went to the drugstore and bought an aspirin and a bottle of water. |
Cole: | I went to the drugstore and bought an aspirin, a bottle of water and can of peanuts. |
Dash: | I went to the drugstore and bought an aspirin, a bottle of water, a can of peanuts, and dental floss. |
Etta: | I went to the drugstore and bought an aspirin, a bottle of water, a can of peanuts, dental floss, and elastics. |
Fred: | I went to the drugstore and bought an aspirin, a bottle of water, a can of peanuts, dental floss, elastics, and fruit roll-ups. |
Alan: | I went to the drugstore and bought an aspirin, a bottle of water, a can of peanuts, dental floss, elastics, fruit roll-ups and gum. |
Billy: | I went to the drugstore and bought an aspirin, a bottle of water, a can of peanuts, dental floss, elastics, fruit roll-ups, gum, and hairspray. |
Cole: | I went to the drugstore and bought an aspirin, a bottle of water, a can of peanuts, dental floss, elastics, fruit roll-ups, gum, hairspray, and iodine. |
Dash: | I went to the drugstore and bought an aspirin, a bottle of water, a can of peanuts, dental floss, elastics, fruit roll-ups, gum... um... |
Etta: | The next word is hairspray. You're out. |
And so on.