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three drawer dresser Bedroom double bed

This full-page word search puzzle is themed. It hides 15 words related to the general theme of Bedroom in a large 15×15 letter grid. The solution is provided.

The puzzle is printer-friendly. As long as your computer can open PDF files and your printer is loaded with standard 8.5" × 11" paper, you are all set to start solving.

Note: click the [direct link] below the embedded PDF file if you have trouble printing. The file should then directly download and open on your device. You can print it from there.

Did you know?

The Dutch architect Janjaap Ruijssenaars debuted a magnetic floating bed at the 2006 Millionaire Fair in Kortrijk, Belgium. The bed was designed to resemble the Monolith from the film '2001: A Space Odyssey' and is held down by wires so it doesn't float away.

depiction of the moon monolith from the film 2001: A Space Odyssey

The jury is out whether this sci-fi bed will give you a better night's rest. But if you want to find out, it's going to set you back a cool $1.6 million. However, this is not the world's most expensive bed. That title goes to the Baldacchino Supreme Bed. This bed is hand-crafted from ash, cherry, and chestnut wood, has a canopy adorned with Italian silk, and a headboard featuring diamonds. It's also decorated with over 200 pounds of 24-carat gold. So far only two have been made. And no wonder, since it costs a whopping $6.3 million!

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