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3D purple question mark Quick Questions 3D purple question mark

This full-page word search puzzle is themed. It hides 15 words related to the general theme of Quick Questions in a large 15×15 letter grid. The solution is provided.

The puzzle is printer-friendly. As long as your computer can open PDF files and your printer is loaded with standard 8.5" × 11" paper, you are all set to start solving.

Note: click the [direct link] below the embedded PDF file if you have trouble printing. The file should then directly download and open on your device. You can print it from there.

Did you know?

The historical origins of the question mark is (pardon the pun) a bit of a question mark.

scroll with letters and words QUESTIO, QO, and ?

One theory says that scholars in the Middle Ages would write the Latin word quaestio at the end of a sentence to show it was a question. Since this was rather cumbersome to write out each time, it was eventually abbreviated. First to qo, then to q on top of o, and finally into the "?" symbol we know today. This is much like how our own cursive signature, which we once perfected in third grade, eventually morphed into the squiggly lines we now use as adults. But alas, there is little evidence to back up this theory.

cat with tail in shape of question mark, with Egyptian pyramids

A competing theory, also unsubstantiated, argues that the curve of the question mark traces back to the ancient Egyptians. Since Egyptians were famed for their worship of cats, it makes sense they would have been inspired by the similar shape of an inquisitive cat's tail.

man thinking, with question marks

In the end, perhaps it's appropriate this question remains a mystery. What do you think?

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