This full-page word search puzzle is themed. It hides 15 listed and 9 unlisted words related to the general theme of Tigers in a large 22×20 letter grid. The solution is provided.
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Did you know?
According to Guinness World Records, the biggest tiger ever recorded weighed 932 pounds and was 10 feet, 11 inches from nose to tail tip. His name was Jaipur and he was a Siberian tiger who lived in a private facility in New Jersey. Jaipur was big indeed, even by the standards of Siberians – the biggest of the 9 sub-species of tiger – which usually average 'just' 600 pounds.

To give you an idea of just how big this record-breaking cat was, consider that a thoroughbred horse and 7 kegs of beer both weigh about the same. Despite his menacing size, he was reportedly gentle and even rather shy.