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Printable Word Search

Regular Booklet 3

This booklet has 24 word search puzzles with solutions. Each puzzle hides 20 words in a medium-sized 22×20 letter grid.

The booklet is printer-friendly. As long as your computer can open PDF files and your printer is loaded with standard 8.5" × 11" paper, you are all set to start solving.

Note: click the [direct link] below the embedded PDF file if you have trouble printing. The file should then directly download and open on your device. You can print it from there.

By the way, when we were creating these puzzles using randomized word lists, we often thought of a silly game we played as children many years ago. We would take a dictionary (or any book, magazine or newspaper), randomly open it and with our eyes closed, drop our fingers onto the page. Whatever words they landed on would be written down. We'd repeat this process a few times. This would effectively produce a randomized list of words. Then the challenge was to tell a story using those words in some fashion. The results were often pure nonesense. But always a lot of fun!


Here's what we came up with using the word list from Puzzle 49:

"It did not bode well for Johnny, a sniveling Canadian landowner living in Idaho. He vied to undermine his competitors, but never clued in how others coped so well. After persuading, punching and chewing his gyroscopic firebox, he made a final retest and saw the skewed results. Would he ever be healed from his hate for this enamel mainframe?"

Fun Warm-up Puzzle

Can you complete these two words, which differ by a single letter, using the same letters in the same order? (answer below)

Ginger or pepper   __ __ __ C __
Steeple top   __ __ __ R __

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