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Grandmother's Trunk

No. of Players: 2+
Type of Game: spoken
What you need: nothing


To recall and add to a growing alphabetical list of words.

How to play

The first player says "Inside grandmother's trunk is an ___" where the sentence is completed with a word that begins with the letter A. The second player repeats this sentence, but adds a word that begins with the letter B, and so on, each successive player repeating the sentence and adding another word at the end that begins with the next letter of the alphabet. Players who cannot remember the entire list in alphabetical order drop out of the game. The game continues until only one player is left: the winner.

Other versions of this game include Doctor's Office, Suitcase, and The Store.


Adonis: Inside grandmother's trunk is an apple.
Bryant: Inside grandmother's trunk is an apple and a beehive.
Carter: Inside grandmother's trunk is an apple, a beehive and a cigarette.
Danny: Inside grandmother's trunk is an apple, a beehive, a cigarette and a deer.
Esther: Inside grandmother's trunk is an apple, a beehive, a cigarette, a deer and Europe.
Adonis: Inside grandmother's trunk is an apple, a beehive, a cigarette, a deer, Europe and fire.
Bryant: Inside grandmother's trunk is an apple, a beehive, a cigarette, a deer, Europe, fire and a galaxy.
Carter: Inside grandmother's trunk is an apple, a beehive, a cigarette, a deer, Europe, fire, a galaxy and a horseshoe.
Danny: Inside grandmother's trunk is an apple, a beehive, a cigarette, a deer, Europe, fire, a galaxy, a horseshoe and ivory.
Esther: Inside grandmother's trunk is an apple, a beehive, a cigarette, a deer, Europe, fire, a galaxy, a horseshoe, ivory and a jelly donut.
Adonis: Inside grandmother's trunk is an apple, a beehive, a cigarette, a deer, Europe, fire, a galaxy, a horseshoe, um... um...

Adonis drops out and the game continues.

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